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  • Writer's pictureAlyssa Murdock

"How to Make Flying with Kids Stress-Free: 7 Expert Tips"

Updated: Jun 25

Flying with children can be a daunting prospect, but with a few savvy strategies and tips, it can become a manageable and even enjoyable experience for the whole family. Here are some tried-and-tested techniques to help you breeze through your next flight with kids in tow:

1. Choose the Right Flight Time

Selecting a flight that aligns with your kids' schedules can make all the difference. Consider whether your child is a seasoned napper or if they struggle to sleep in unfamiliar environments. For instance, if your little one tends to doze off easily, scheduling a flight during their naptime can provide you with some much-needed peace and quiet. On the other hand, if your child is too excited to sleep during flights, opt for earlier departures before naptime kicks in. Here is my article with 6 tips to get your child to nap on a plane. Lastly, based on prior experience, avoid 5 a.m. departure times with kids at all costs.

Tips for flying with kids

2. Opt for a Backpack Carry-On

When it comes to carry-on luggage, ditch the bulky rolling suitcase in favor of a hands-free backpack (here is my favorite comfortable backpack!). Navigating busy airports with kids in tow can be challenging enough without the added hassle of pulling luggage behind you. A backpack allows you to keep your hands free for holding little ones' hands or carrying essentials like boarding passes and passports.

3. Gate Check Your Stroller

Bringing a stroller can be a game-changer when traveling with young children. Most airlines allow you to gate check your stroller, meaning you can use it throughout the airport and then conveniently leave it at the gate just before boarding. Be sure to request a gate check tag from the gate agent, and consider investing in a travel bag to protect your stroller from damage during transit. As an added bonus, strollers could potentially get you access to a shorter security line - that happened to us on a recent trip.

4. Bring Reusable Water Bottles

Make sure you bring empty reusable kid-friendly water bottles on your flight. You can't bring liquids into the airport, but you can fill up your water bottles once you get through security. This especially comes in handy during takeoff. If your child feels discomfort and ear pressure during or after takeoff, it's helpful to suck on a straw to relieve the pressure.

5. Pack Bulky Items with the Car Seat

Car seat packing hack for flying

If you need a car seat at your destination, rest assured that most airlines allow you to check them at no extra charge. If you have bulky items, like diapers or swim toys, pack them in the same bag as your complimentary checked car seat to save on valuable suitcase space. Make sure you purchase a durable car seat travel bag.

6. Download Entertainment in Advance

Keep your little ones entertained during the flight by downloading movies, shows, and games onto your mobile devices before you leave home. Apps like Amazon Prime and Disney+ allow you to download content for offline viewing, ensuring that you have plenty of entertainment options at your fingertips. Just remember to test the downloaded content with the Wi-Fi turned off before you depart to avoid any last-minute glitches (keep the Wi-Fi turned off for optimal performance).

Kid friendly headphones

7. Invest in Kid-Friendly Headphones

To minimize disruptions to fellow passengers and keep your kids engaged with their entertainment, consider investing in kid-friendly headphones. Look for options that are comfortable and durable. Some headphones even allow multiple sets to connect to each other, making them ideal for siblings sharing a device.

With these practical tips in hand, you'll be well-equipped to tackle air travel with kids like a seasoned pro. Remember to stay flexible, keep a positive attitude, and focus on making lasting memories with your family. Happy travels! Next: check out my list of Mom Approved Toys to Keep Kids Busy During Airplane Flights

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